For Immediate Release: Tuesday, November 26, 2013:
Sioux Falls, SD (November 26) – South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director Zach Crago today called on Governor Dennis Daugaard to name a special prosecutor to conduct a real investigation of the financial misconduct at the Governor’s Office of Economic Development under the Rounds-Daugaard administration after Attorney General Marty Jackley refused to go after the $550,000 theft of taxpayer funds by Northern Beef Packers and SDRC, Inc.
“It is outrageous that Attorney General Marty Jackley has terminated his so called investigation without addressing the theft of public funds,” said Crago. “This is exactly why I had called on Mr.Jackley to recuse himself. He is simply unwilling to conduct a real investigation that may look too closely into his patron former Governor Mike Rounds, who alone had the authority to grant state dollars to the bankrupt Northern Beef Packers plant.
“There are too many unanswered questions, and the Attorney General has proven he will not look to find the answers.
“It is time for Governor Daugaard to name an independent special prosecutor. $550,000 was stolen from the South Dakota taxpayer. South Dakotans deserve a real investigation to get to the bottom of this.”