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‘No Show Noem’ Goes on Vacation

After spending last month shutting down the government and threatening a national default, Congresswoman Kristi Noem and House Republicans have a scant agenda for the fall – voting for the 46th time to repeal the Affordable Care Act – so they’re heading out for a long vacation starting Wednesday.

In the wake of the “bewilderment and confusion” of the Republicans’ shutdown, Politico reports that the House will recess for an eight-day vacation starting on Halloween. Even worse: With only 19 legislative days left in all of 2013, Congresswoman Noem’s Republican leadership is looking to cancel even more workdays.

Forcing the government shutdown must have been pretty exhausting for Noem. As military families go back to work and ranchers struggle to respond to devastating cattle losses, Noem & her tea party friends have decided to give themselves a few days off. No Show Noem knows how to live up to her name.


With 19 days left in the Legislative Session for 2013, House Republicans are Contemplating Skipping Town and Going on Another Taxpayer Funded Vacation. “For the first time in months, House Republicans are facing no immediate cataclysmic deadlines, and GOP leaders are struggling to come up with an agenda to fill the 19 legislative days that are left in 2013. Need evidence? The House votes Monday evening and will finish its work week Wednesday. After that, the House is out of session until Nov. 12. Internally, Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) and senior Republicans aren’t discussing coming back early from the scheduled recess, but instead, they are wondering if they’ll cancel some of the remaining days in session.” [Politico10/27/13]

House Republicans are Refusing to Allow a Vote on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. “House Republican leadership has no plans to vote on any immigration reform legislation before the end the year. […] Following the fiscal battles last month, the internal political dynamics are tenuous within the House Republican Conference. A growing chorus of GOP lawmakers and aides are intensely skeptical that any of the party’s preferred piecemeal immigration bills can garner the support 217 Republicans — they would need that if Democrats didn’t lend their votes. Republican leadership doesn’t see anyone coalescing around a single plan, according to sources across GOP leadership.” [Politico10/25/13]

  • Headline: House GOP plans no immigration vote in 2013 [Politico10/25/13]

…And Will “Spend the Remaining Days of 2013 Pushing for Sebelius to Step Down.” “In an appearance on C-SPAN’s “Newsmakers,” Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.), chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, said there are discussions to further delay the date by which all Americans must have health insurance. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is expected to testify in front of Upton’s panel Wednesday. […] No date has been set yet for this vote, senior House GOP aides said. Republicans will also spend the remaining days of 2013 pushing for Sebelius to step down over the botched rollout of the Obamacare website.” [Politico10/27/13]

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