For Immediate Release: Saturday, December 13, 2014
Ann Tornberg of Beresford Elected SDDP ChairJoe Lowe of Piedmont Elected SDDP Vice Chair
Oacoma, SD (December 13, 2014) — The South Dakota Democratic Party state central committee elected Ann Tornberg of Beresford Chair of the State Party and Joe Lowe of Piedmont State Party Vice Chair.
Bill Nibbelink of Flandreau was re-elected SDDP Treasurer, and Lorri May of Madison was reelected SDDP Secretary.
Ann Tornberg released the following statement:
“South Dakota Democrats have a lot of work to do to rebuild our county parties, recruit top tier candidates, and register voters. I’m grateful for the support of the State Central Committee and all the hard work our current Chair and State Party staff have accomplished to allow us to start building right away. I look forward to working with my Vice Chair Joe Lowe and Democrats from all parts of South Dakota to build consensus, advance the issues which are important to working families throughout the state, and elect Democrats up and down the ballot.”
The new SDDP leadership team begins their four year terms on January 1, 2015.