For Immediate Release: Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Sioux Falls, SD – South Dakota Democratic Party Chair Deb Knecht released the following statement after Representative Susan Wismer (D-Britton) announced her intention to run for Governor:
“South Dakota is home to the smartest kids, hardest workers, and close-knit families in the entire country. It’s time South Dakota had a Governor who invested in these things that make South Dakota great.
“Governor Dennis Daugaard has hurt our workforce development with huge cuts to education. He’s jeopardized the health of 48,000 South Dakotans by refusing to accept federal dollars for Medicaid expansion. And he won’t even take a stand on raising the minimum wage for 62,000 South Dakotans. “A small town businesswoman and senior appropriations member, Rep. Susan Wismer understands that the governor’s budget is a moral document with real impacts across the state. She’ll see to it that our state’s policies reflect our values of opportunity, equality, and community. “We look forward to a spirited primary between Joe Lowe and Rep. Susan Wismer with all attention on the future of our state.”
Rep. Susan Wismer will face former state fire chief Joe Lowe for a primary election for the Democratic nomination on Tuesday, June 3rd, 2014.
You can find more information about Rep. Susan Wismer’s campaign for governor at or by following her on twitter at @susanforsd.
You can find more information about Joe Lowe’s campaign for governor at