A note from Dean Kurtz, Custer County Democrats Chair:
I want to thank everyone who supported the Rally in any way with donations for the silent auction, buying tickets or helping the day of the Rally. For those who were not there, you missed a barn burner.
What a great day for Democrats in Custer County when we get 75-80 people show up and fill the Rocky Knolls’ Clubhouse to capacity to hear our candidates speak. Thanks to Rick, Joe, Susan and out own Steve Price for attending and energizing the crowd with their remarks. Thanks too to Gardner Gray, Independent candidate for a House seat in District 30… Great job each and everyone.
There was a full room of Democrats at the Custer County Rally! A great afternoon with our great Democratic candidates pic.twitter.com/PURwRQSbSI — Ryan Rolfs (@RyanRolfs) May 10, 2014
I hope you had a chance to read the article in the Chronicle on Wednesday. Talk about earth shattering – the Chronicle devoting that much column space reporting on the Democrats of Custer County. I thought the young lady reporter did a bang up job in getting the facts across. And, I hope Patti Lee was as excited to receive her plaque and gift as I was to present it. Thanks again Patti for all of your years of hard dedicated work.
It got me fired up to do everything I can to get our candidates elected in the fall. Lets turn out more Democrat votes in Custer County then ever before.
Thanks again – what a pleasure it is to work with such fine people.
Proud to be a Democrat.
PS: If you’re proud of our success, show it with a contribution today at sddp.org/contribute/. We’re going to make sure Democrats turn out in November across the state – even in Custer county!