Immediate Release: Friday, March 25, 2016
Contact: Michael Ewald, Communications Director, (605) 271-5405,
Daugaard Misses Mark On SB 159
Sioux Falls, SD (March 25, 2016)-
The South Dakota Democratic Party expressed its disappointment at Republican Governor Dennis Daugaard today for signing SB 159, the stealth school voucher bill.
“This is why you can’t elect a Republican to do a Democrat’s job – just when you thought Governor Daugaard had learned from his monumental mistakes in eviscerating K-12 budgets in 2011, he signs a piece of legislation padding insurance companies at the expense of public education,” said Michael Ewald South Dakota Communications Director.
“When school districts are clamoring for changes in the funding formula because of enrollment calculations. When we’re told again and again we have no money to fund a constitutionally obligated responsibility—public education. It is illogical in the next breath to say we can afford to give away $2 million in tax breaks to private schools,” said Ewald.