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Donald Trump on Sacrifice

Donald Trump on SacrificeBy Joe LoweVice Chair of the South Dakota Democratic Party

Joe Lowe, SDDP Vice Chair

One of the most moving moments of the Democratic National Convention was when the father of a fallen Muslim American Soldier spoke about his valiant son’s death. US Army Captain Humayn Kahn gave his life defending the troops that he called his family.

In response Donald Trump said that Khizr Khan’s wife didn’t speak because she was forbidden to speak since she is a Muslim Wife. Well Donald this shows me how much you understand her grief and the Muslim religion. In addition, you stated Khizr Kahn’s words were not his own. They were written by a Clinton speech writer.

This comes from a draft dodger during the Vietnam War. Trump’s excuse – he had bone spurs on his feet. Yet now he claims his doctor said he is one of the healthiest people he knows. While American soldiers were dying on the battlefield, Trump was defending his country dancing in New York night clubs.

Donald Trump states he has made a lot of sacrifices “I think I’ve made a lot of sacrifices. I work very, very hard. I’ve created thousands and thousands of jobs, tens of thousands of jobs, built great structures. I’ve had tremendous success. I think I’ve done a lot.” This quote comes from ABC News- Donald Trump to Father of Fallen Soldier:”I’ve Made a Lot of Sacrifices” I suggest all of you read it. Your sacrifices include 4 bankruptcies, your companies have also been cited for 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act since 2005 for failing to pay overtime or minimum wages. This is not sacrifice; it is lining your pockets.

I understand what sacrifice is, my father gave his life for our freedom, he died piloting a B-17 on October 22, 1944. My favorite uncle died diving on a hand grenade in a Saigon movie theater to save many lives. I carried his casket to the grave. When I was the Fire Chief for the South Dakota Division of Wildland Fire, I had to tell a mother her 25 year old son gave his life on the Coal Canyon Fire. These true heroes did not dodge the fight over bone spurs and then dance in New York’s finest nightclubs.

So Donald, how dare you speak down to a mother and father who a still grieving over the loss of a son fighting for of America.

As for our State of South Dakota Federal Delegation, how can you stand behind this presidential candidate who is not fit for the highest office in this land?

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