First Annual Buffalo Round-Up Dinner
Join us and fellow Democrats for our first annual Buffalo Round-Up Dinner with special guest speakers: Rep. Paula Hawks (U.S. House Candidate), Rep. Kevin Killer (District 27), and The Cowboy Caucus: Sen. Jason Frerichs (District 1), Sen. Billie Sutton (District 21), and Sen. Troy Heinert (District 26).
Saturday, September 26, 2015 Historic Alex Johnson Hotel 523 6th St. Rapid City, SD 57701 (MAP) VIP Reception – 6:00 PM (For all Founders Club & Builder’s Club members and those joining at the event) Joe Lowe’s Reflections Art Gallery; 605 Main St. Downtown Rapid City
Buffalo Round-Up Dinner – 7:00 PM, Historic Alex Johnson Hotel