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Intern Noem Fighting to End Medicare. Seriously.

As perhaps the highest paid congressional intern in U.S. history, Rep. Noem isn’t wasting any time on respecting her elders.  On April 15, 2011, Noem voted to decimate Medicare.  We wanted to give Rep. Noem the benefit-of-the-doubt—really, we did.  After all, she is an intern, earning college credit for time served.  Then we found this answer she gave Neil Cavuto at Fox News on April 8, 2011:

“When I get a bill in front of me, I’m going to judge that bill by its merits. So it is really hard for me to look at a bill that it is sitting there, seeing that it is cutting spending, and if there’s nothing in there that I disagree, you know, that is how I will judge my vote. So — but I’m fighting. I’m fighting for those cuts.”

Let’s put this in context.  Rep. Noem knows how to give an answer.  As 1990 South Dakota Snow Queen, Noem told the Aberdeen American News she acquired “skills that help you visit with people, make your points and be able to promote the state of South Dakota.” [Snow Queen title meant opportunity for Noem, AAN, 2/3/2011]  Noem also knows when California decides her vote –

“Nancy Pelosi voted against it and I voted for it, so I think I was on the right side of the issue.” [Budget battle weighs on Kristi Noem, Argus Leader, 3/18/2011]

What Intern/Congresswoman Noem seemingly fails to understand is that her votes hurt South Dakota’s seniors, soon-to-be seniors, people with disabilities, and families in need.

The truth about Noem’s vote on Rep. Ryan’s Radical FY 2012 Budget: South Dakotans with Medicare must sacrifice so Noem can tout $2.9 trillion in new tax cuts for the wealthy.

So if you have a grandparent, are a grandparent, plan and/or hope to be a grandparent, or know a citizen in the United States, Noem’s decisions matter to you.  Her fight for Medicare cuts – the fight she so strongly articulates to Neil Cavuto – jeopardizes every South Dakotan.

Lesson: Don’t let Noem happen to you.

Sioux Falls:
110 N Phillips Ave, Sioux Falls, SD 57104

(605) 271-5405

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PO Box 1485, Sioux Falls, SD 57101

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922 E St Patrick Street, Rapid City, SD 


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