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John, Mike, Kristi, Really?

John, Mike, Kristi, Really?

By Joe LoweVice Chair of the South Dakota Democratic Party

       Joe Lowe, SDDP Vice Chair

I find it interesting that all three of our Federal Delegation support Donald J. Trump. Our Delegation all went to Washington DC to bring Congress a dose of South Dakota Values. So let’s look at Donald J Trump’s values. Here is a partial list:

On Muslims in America: Trump calls for a total and complete ban on Muslims entering the United States. He also wants police patrols in Muslim neighborhoods.

His desire to impose his fascist policies on millions of Muslims is a great tool to recruit for ISIS. His plan to place a ban on Muslim immigration and travel was immediately condemned by Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, members of his own party, the White House, and our Democratic Party.  Also Donald, you have insulted the over 5,000 Muslims serving in the United State Military and who are willing to die for our country. This also goes along with your insulting a Gold Star Mother.

On Mexico:  Trump said that when Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending the best, they’re sending people that have lots of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. This is just another Trumpian racial slur. Now he needs the Latino vote so he says he loves them. He also wants to build a great wall that Mexico will pay for. This is a really stupid blowhard statement. The President of Mexico stated he will not pay for such a wall.

On Women: He constantly makes misogynistic remarks. Look at his remark about Megyn Kelly: “There was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever.” In an interview in 1991 with Esquire Magazine, he said – “You know, it doesn’t really matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young and beautiful piece of ass,”.  Then his insults of Carly Fiorina in 2015 in Rolling Stone: “Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she’s a woman, and I’m not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?”

On National Security: He has praised Russian President Vladimir Putin and the late Saddam Hussein. He has said Hillary Clinton and President Obama are the founders of ISIS.

In an interview this July with The New York Times, Trump said The United States shouldn’t automatically come to the defense of fellow NATO members if they are attacked unless those countries have paid their bills to the alliance. That approach flies in the face of one of NATO’s bedrock principles, Article 5, which requires NATO states to come to the aid of a fellow member under assault.

No wonder 50 GOP national security experts oppose Trump.  He is a train wreck waiting to happen.

On jobs for the middle class:  Trump talks about bringing back American jobs, yet many of the Donald J Trump Collection of apparel is made overseas by cheap labor. This guy is the master of taking out of both sides of his mouth.

Trump companies have filled Chapter 11 bankruptcy four times. Trump then brags about how he used this country’s laws to do a great job for his company, himself, and for his family. Trump companies have had 24 violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act for failing to pay overtime or minimum wage. So if you think this guy is the champion of the middle class, think again. This guy is all out for himself and his rich friends.

On global warming: Trump says on Twitter, November 6, 2012, at 11:15 am that the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make US manufacturing non- competitive. Well Donald, you must be smarter that the nearly 200 nations that adopted the Climate Agreement at COP21 in Paris. Another mindless Trumpian comment.

On two dozen current and former GOP lawmakers now against Trump:  At least 22 current or former members of Congress have now voiced opposition to a Trump Presidency. They can see that he does not have what it takes to run this country. I am sure the trend of GOP defections will continue.

Unfortunately, those dissenting Republicans are a minority. Most of the GOP, including our Congressional delegation, is sticking with this misfit for president. This guy is the standard bearer for you party, John, Mike and Kristi, and his values are not South Dakota values. I do not understand how you could continue to support Donald J. Trump. I guess it is more important to support the party and a bad candidate than get off the Titanic.

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