Join Jamie Smith, Brian Bengs, Democratic Candidates For Final Campaign Rally in Sioux Falls
Sioux Falls, SD (November 1, 2022) – Rep. Jamie Smith, candidate for Governor, Brian Bengs, candidate for U.S. Senate, and other local and statewide candidates will be appearing in Sioux Falls for a Get Out the Vote rally.
The rally will take place at 6:00 pm on November 7th, the night before Election Day, at the Washington Pavilion. All are welcome!
Candidates will speak about the importance of voting on November 8th and meet voters.
This event will be a homecoming for Jamie Smith, who graduated from Washington High School (now the Washington Pavilion) in 1989.
“The warm welcome I receive every time I hold an event in my hometown of Sioux Falls is a reminder of how our campaign is powered by people who want a change in South Dakota.” – Rep. Jamie Smith, Candidate for Governor
Polls are showing this election between Jamie Smith and Kristi Noem is going to be extremely close. Everyone is encouraged to attend to hear why Jamie and the rest of the Democratic ticket are committed to delivering an honest and transparent government, access to affordable healthcare, and investing in education and childcare for South Dakota families.
Early voting has already started. You can visit IWillVote.com to find your polling location and https://sddp.org/2022-democratic-candidates/ to find the Democratic candidates running in your area.