For Immediate Release: Saturday, October 25, 2014
MERCER: Mike Rounds wildly overstates EB5 jobs created
Sioux Falls, SD (October 25, 2014) — Has Mike Rounds told the truth about anything in the EB5 citizenship-for-sale scandal?
According to an analysis by Pierre correspondent Bob Mercer, Mike Rounds just flat out made up the number of jobs the EB5 program created in South Dakota.
Rounds says the EB5 investment in Basin Electric created 1455 jobs. Basin Electric says they created 28 jobs.
Rounds still counts 433 jobs created at Northern Beef Packing plant – the shuttered $100 million beef plant at the center of Rounds’ EB5 citizenship-for-sale scandal. The list goes on and on.
“There weren’t ‘over 5,000 jobs created,'” concludes Mercer. “Instead, there might be just hundreds of new jobs, many of them in dairy operations in the I-29 corridor and at the casino complex in Deadwood.”
Analysis finds EB-5 jobs data used by Rounds is highly elusive Bob Mercer, Pierre Correspondant Friday, Oct 24, 2014
PIERRE — There was a lot of leeway in a number cited by former-Gov. Mike Rounds during the U.S. Senate campaign debate the other night.
He said one result of the EB-5 program during his administration was “over 5,000 jobs created.”
But many of those EB-5 jobs weren’t in South Dakota, and many now don’t seem to exist…