Noem’s Broken Promises on Campaign Finance
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – In the final week of the election, the South Dakota Democratic Party will be reminding the people of South Dakota about Rep. Kristi Noem’s trail of broken promises throughout her political career. Today, SDDP Executive Director Sam Parkinson released the following statement highlighting Noem’s broken promises on campaign finance:
“Throughout this campaign, Congresswoman Noem has talked a big game about cleaning up Pierre, and likes to highlight a pledge she made to voters not to take money from political action committees intended to circumvent campaign finance limits – a practice she called using ‘loopholes.’ Yet, that is exactly what the Congresswoman did when she raised campaign funds through a high-dollar, elite campaign fundraising event this fall with $5,000 tickets. The funds raised were collected by a joint fundraising committee, allowing her campaign to dodge the $4,000 individual contribution limit prescribed by South Dakota campaign finance law – the same loophole she criticized and pledged to never exploit. Congresswoman Noem broke her promise to South Dakota voters, and the voters will hold her accountable on November 6.”