O.K., I Am Mad as Hell
The following is an editorial from South Dakota Democratic Party Vice-Chair, Joe Lowe
Joe Lowe – Vice Chair, South Dakota Democratic Party
While I have a lot of work to do today, I just could not stay quiet about Donald Trump and I’m mad as hell. He is clueless about the meaning of service and sacrifice to country. President Trump was granted five deferments during the Vietnam War – even though at the time he was the picture of health, had played competitive football, tennis, and squash, and was starting to take up golf.
Despite this involvement in athletic activity, after he graduated from college in the Spring of 1968, he received a 1-Y medical deferment for bone spurs on his heels. This deferment exempted him from going to war during a period when many young Americans were being deployed to Southeast Asia. At that time, the Selective Service System was inducting 300,000 into service to their country.
So, while American Service Men and Women were dying on the battlefield, Donald Trump was dancing in New York night clubs. One of those young Americans who died on the battlefield was my favorite uncle, William Reid. I was one of those family members that carried his flag draped coffin to his final resting place.
In addition, my father, Joseph Earnest Lowe, was killed in action over the English Channel on a heavy bomb run to Germany during World War II; his body was lost at sea. It was painful growing up knowing that you look like him and have many of his traits and mannerisms, but never got to know him.
After my father’s death, I was the sole surviving son for the Lowe family and was not drafted. So, I chose to serve in the fire service. I am a 36-year veteran of the fire service. I did this to serve the people of my community.
Even though Mr. Trump has never served, he has no problem attacking those who have – for instance, attacking Sen. John McCain on several occasions. Yesterday, Mr. Trump was angry at Sen. Richard Blumenthal for telling the media that Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch, had told him he found Trump’s frequent attacks on judges disheartening. Even though Judge Gorsuch gave Sen. Blumenthal permission to share his comments, Mr. Trump lashed out at Sen. Blumenthal on Twitter, writing:
“Sen. Richard Blumenthal, who never fought in Vietnam when he said for years he had major lie), now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him?”
Not only was this a misleading attack, it left out the important fact that Sen. Blumenthal has served in the Marine Corps Reserves.
Mr. Trump, you don’t know the first thing about service. Your service has always been to self. Stop the Twitter rants and attacks on anyone who disagrees with you. If you want to be treated like a legitimate president, at least try to act like one.
Joe Lowe
Vice Chair, South Dakota Democratic Party.