Rounds and Thune Throw Support Behind Bill That Hurts South Dakota
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. – South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director Sam Parkinson released the following statement today reacting to the news that Senators Mike Rounds and John Thune support the latest attempt by Republicans to take healthcare away from millions of Americans, including thousands of South Dakotans:
“South Dakotans will suffer under the Cassidy-Graham-Heller-Johnson bill. This harmful bill will end Medicaid as we know it, cancel tax credits that help families afford health insurance, and eliminate subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket costs for working families. Tens of thousands of South Dakotans will lose their healthcare, and those who still have healthcare coverage will pay more for worse coverage. Instead of supporting this cruel bill, John Thune and Mike Rounds should listen to the South Dakotans they represent and work with Democrats to improve our health care system.”
Here is a look at a few of the ways South Dakotans will suffer under the Cassidy-Graham-Heller-Johnson bill:
70,000 South Dakotans would lose their healthcare coverage.
It puts 81,672 South Dakota children’s healthcare at risk.
It would raise costs for people with pre-existing conditions.
68,000 South Dakotans could see lifetime and annual limits again
It could cost seniors in South Dakota $17,221 in higher premiums and out-of-pocket costs.
It ends Medicaid as we know it, hurting seniors, people with disabilities, and other communities across South Dakota.
It cancels tax credits that help 24,953 families – 91 percent of South Dakota marketplace enrollees – afford health insurance.
It eliminates subsidies that reduce out-of-pocket costs for 16,144 residents, which is 59 percent of the total marketplace enrollees in South Dakota.
It slashes billions in federal funding to states for expanding health insurance coverage and lowering costs, including $4 billion to South Dakota.
Click here for a sound recording of SDDP Executive Director Sam Parkinson’s reaction