For Immediate Release: Friday, October 10, 2014Contacts: Zach Crago
BREAKING – Rounds busted lying on EB5 again!
Mike Rounds has been caught in another lie just a week after the Rapid City Journal revealed a document that directly contradicted Rounds’ written testimony provided a legislative panel investigating the EB5 scandal.
10.2.14: “I didn’t personally travel or recruit investors.” – Mike Rounds [Aberdeen American News]
10.10.14: Argus Leader: Rounds solicited EB-5 investors in 2005 [Argus Leader]
Contrary to Rounds’ previous statements, Rounds was in fact personally recruiting EB5 investors right out of the Governor’s Office.
The Undisputed Facts in the EB5 scandal.
1) Mike Rounds’ employee Joop Bollen signed an illegal contract with a company he owned to manage the EB5 program, a key component of the Rounds economic development strategy.
2) As a result of the illegal contract, Joop Bollen walked off with a $108 million in EB5 fees that belong to the people of South Dakota.
3) Mike Rounds knew about his employee’s illegal activities, and Mike Rounds didn’t fire Joop Bollen; Rounds rewarded him with a sweetened no-bid contract in December of 2009.
4) When asked questions about the EB5 scandal by a legislative committee, Mike Rounds submitted testimony that the Rapid City Journal quickly found to be untrue. Submitting false testimony as Mike Rounds did is a class 6 felony in South Dakota.
5) Even now after everyone agrees that Rounds employee Joop Bollen had an illegal contract that enriched himself over $100 million, Mike Rounds continues to protect and cover up for his employee.
EB5 Citizenship-for-sale Kings Joop Bollen & Mike Rounds