August 13, 2021 For Immediate Release
Contact: Addison Miller milleraddison51@gmail.com 605-370-1353
SD Young Democrats President Receives National Award from the Young Democrats of America
YDSD President Addison Miller accepts the YDA Leadership in Action award on behalf of former President Heather Krause
Cincinnati, OH – Former Young Democrats of South Dakota President Heather Krause received the Young Democrats of America “Leadership in Action” Award at the YDA Biennial Convention.
“I’m humbled to be granted this award and feel honored to accept it on behalf of the entirety of YDSD, which continues to work so hard to keep young progressive focused issues at the forefront of the conversation. Recognition from YDA validates our work and helps showcase to others in our community that YDSD is growing, strengthening, and ready to take on future elections to help create meaningful change in our state.” – Said Heather Krause, former YDSD President & Award Recipient.
“Heather is the reason that our organization is here in Cincinnati, representing South Dakota on the National Stage. She re-established the Young Democrats of South Dakota while the world was in the depths of a global pandemic. Throughout her term, she led the organization with a kind heart, even while marching through numerous stressful situations, both within YDSD and in her own personal life, that nobody could ever have planned for. She kept the heads of those around her held high when times were low. If the future leaders of South Dakota are anything like her, we’re in great hands. She is as deserving as can be of this award, and I was proud to accept it on her behalf. ” – Said Addison Miller, YDSD President.
The Young Democrats of South Dakota are the official youth arm of the Democratic Party, advocating on behalf of and providing a space for all Democrats age 13-35.
The Young Democrats of South Dakota re-established themselves as an organization in August of 2020, with Heather Krause serving as YDSD’s inaugural President. The Young Democrats of America received 136 nominations for all of their award categories. Heather Krause is a recipient of one of four separate awards for individuals presented by the Young Democrats of America.