For Immediate Release: Friday, December 19, 2014
SDDP Executive Director to Step Into New Advisory RoleExecutive Director applicants welcomed
Sioux Falls, SD (December 19, 2014) — The South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director Zach Crago is stepping into a new advisory role at the end of the year after four years with the South Dakota Democratic Party.
Crago released the following statement:
“It’s been a great privilege to fight for working families as Executive Director with the South Dakota Democratic Party. And you know what? It’s been a lot of fun too. In the last four years, we referred Governor Dennis Daugaard’s corporate welfare bill, passed an initiated measure to raise the minimum wage, made gains in the State Senate, and put our Party on a strong financial foundation going forward. But there’s more work yet to be done. Just as I benefitted from the hard work of State Party leaders before me, I look forward to helping our next team of State Party leaders continue building to win elections going forward.” published an open letter from Crago with a state of the State Party progress report here.
Crago will continue working with the South Dakota Democratic Party in a limited advisory role to help Chair-elect Ann Tornberg and Vice Chair-elect Joe Lowe with the transition. Field Director Ryan Rolfs and Finance Director Zach Nistler will remain with the Party.
The South Dakota Democratic Party plans to fill the Executive Director position before the end of January. Interested applicants can learn more about the position here: