Thanks to the generosity of Sen. Tim Johnson, the is pleased to announce the
The goal of this event is to bring together 150 attendees comprised of Democratic legislators, Legislative District Chairs and Vice Chairs, 2016 candidates (whether announced or still exploring), College Democrats, SD High School Democrats, and Party activists for a day and a half training to prepare for the 2016 election cycle.
Because of Senator Johnson’s commitment to the Party, we are able to offer this at the incredibly low conference price of $25 per participant ($15 for students) which includes 3 meals (Friday dinner, Sat. breakfast, and lunch). A $50 stipend per out-of-town participant for room cost on Friday night will also be provided. (Receipt required).
Several of the sessions will bring together all participants. Break-outs will be for three (3) tracks.
TRACK 1 Grassroots Organizing- This track designed for county party activists, legislative chairs, college and high school Democrats, and ALL those who wish to engage voters to get Democrats elected.
TRACK 2: Campaigning in 2016- This track designed for announced candidates, exploratory candidates, and campaign advisers/volunteers.
TRACK 3: Legislators- This track is reserved for elected Democratic Legislators.
Registration & distribution of materials will begin at 4:00 PM on Friday, October 9.