Sheryl Johnson Running for U.S. Congress
March 6, 2024
The South Dakota Democratic Party is excited to announce that Sheryl Johnson is running for U.S. Congress.
Johnson was a Republican for decades, but got tired of a party that used to be about freedom and now wants to control everything including who people can marry, how and when they can have kids, which books schools can use and give tax breaks to the wealthy instead of helping our kids. About 10 years ago, she became a Democrat after realizing the party aligned much closer to her values of caring about people.
Johnson is running because she is frustrated by our do-nothing Congress. She believes that federal lawmakers only complain about what is happening at the US/Mexico border instead of fixing the immigration system. She also wants to stop the attacks on women’s health. As a mother of 4 daughters of childbearing age, Johnson believes it is wrong that they have fewer rights than she did. Johnson says that reproductive health is a discussion that should stay between mothers and their doctors and that the government has no business interfering.
She is also running because she believes current U.S. Congressman Dusty Johnson no longer listens to his constituents in South Dakota and only does what the Republican Party tells him to do.
“I think integrity, honesty and the ability to listen and learn is vital for an elected official. It is eye opening to hear why someone has a different opinion,” said Johnson. “You need to be open to changing your position and compromise if needed. I know we won’t agree on everything, but I will listen and respect everyone’s view. I will represent all of the people of South Dakota not just those who think like me. We need a working mom in Congress to get things done.”
Currently, Johnson is the Democratic Chair of District 11. She was also a former candidate for the district. Her grandparents ran a dairy farm and her dad was an ag loan officer at the local bank and a part time farmer. She spent 12 years as an education assistant at Roosevelt High School. She spent 4 years as a military wife while her husband was deployed during Desert Storm. For 3 years, she lived at Camp Lejeune. She also worked in retail management for several years. Johnson is now retired and volunteers in her community.
For questions, you can contact Sheryl’s campaign at or the SDDP Executive Director Dan Ahlers at or contact the state party office by phone at 605-271-5405 or 605-940-3071.

Paid for by the South Dakota Democratic Party |