Friday, Oct. 7, 2016
The SDDP Responds to Video of Donald Trump’s Lewd Remarks
The South Dakota Democratic Party released the following statement in response to the shocking and offensive comments made by Republican nominee for president Donald Trump in a 2005 video released today:
“Donald Trump’s remarks are shocking and horrifying. Quite simply, they amount to a man celebrating his ability to sexually assault a woman. No woman should ever be treated in such a way. His remarks show this narcissistic man’s crass views of women and that he views women as objects, not equals. This man has no business being President of our great country. These words once again show this man is unfit to serve in the highest office in the land.
“We call on all South Dakota Republicans, especially the members of our congressional delegation – Sen. John Thune, Sen. Mike Rounds, and Rep. Krisit Noem – as well as Gov. Dennis Daugaard and members of the State Legislature to repudiate these horrific statements and revoke their endorsements of him for president. Failure to do so is tantamount to accepting these statements as appropriate, and would be putting party loyalty over common decency.”