Joe Lowe, Vice-Chair of the South Dakota Democratic Party
Trumpcare – A Heartless Act
Today, I witnessed one of the most shameful moments in our country’s history. The GOP voted to move Trumpcare forward, even though there was no report done by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO). In addition, over 50 organizations oppose the proposed healthcare plan. This partial list includes the following organizations:
American Medical Association
American Hospital Association and Federation of American Hospitals
American Cancer Society Action Network
American Heath Care Association
America’s Essential Hospitals
American’s Hospitals and Health System
American Public Health Association
National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare
American Federation of Teachers
Children’s Defense Fund
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation
Catholic Health Association of the United States
Put simply, Trumpcare takes funding away from the poorest Americans and transfers it to the richest. Medicaid cuts could impact people of all ages and put the health of over 17 million children and adults with disabilities and seniors at risk. The last time the GOP failed to pass a health care repeal measure, the CBO warned that 24 million Americans would lose healthcare coverage. This time, members of the House of Representatives voted without knowing how many will be dropped from coverage under their revised plan. Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) added an amendment allowing $8 billion, over five years, to help people with pre-existing conditions in states that opt to repeal Obamacare protections. When he was asked if that was enough he said he did not know if it was. Experts say the number should be $25 billion.
So again, the GOP allowed President Trump to push his heartless agenda, and the GOP Representatives went along with it. I call on all Americans to remember the names of those who voted for Trumpcare and hit the streets now in peaceful protest. Congresswomen Kristi Noem voted for the repeal, and she must be held accountable for this vote when she runs governor of our great state. She cares more about her next election rather than the people of South Dakota. On the national level, we must get rid of any member of congress who voted to repeal of the Affordable Care Act.
— Joe Lowe, Vice-Chair of the South Dakota Democratic Party