Over 400 people have signed our online petition to stop the GOP’s assault on your rights to propose and refer laws.
We need to get 1000 signatures before the Senate State Affairs committee hears this awful bill.
Thank you,
Zach Nistler
———- Forwarded message ———-From: Ann TornbergDate: Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 3:50 PMSubject: Are you an emergency?
Are you an emergency? GOP leaders in Pierre seem to think so.
Here’s what Argus Leader reporter Jonathan Ellis has to say about the GOP’s anti-democratic bill to limit your right to sponsor ballot measures:
“When you hear the word emergency – as in, Emergency! – what comes to mind?
“I think of Japanese planes bombing Pearl Harbor. Or the Titanic ramming an iceberg. Or a burning skyscraper filled with orphans. Those are emergencies.
“But some lawmakers in Pierre have a different sense of emergency. They think that you, the voter, are an emergency. And just like some of those brave sailors who manned anti-aircraft guns to fight back on that Sunday morning at Pearl Harbor, these lawmakers are out to put a stop to you.” – Jonathan Ellis, Argus Leader; 2/2/2015
GOP leaders want to put a stop to South Dakota voters like you who passed an initiated measure to raise the minimum wage and referred measures to stop Governor Dennis Daugaard’s education reform bill and corporate welfare bill.
I have a better idea: Let’s put a stop to the GOP leaders. Let’s get at least 1000 signatures to deliver to the Senate State Affairs before they hear this awful bill.
Will you sign the petition right away?
Thank you,Ann Tornberg, Chair