For Immediate Release: Thursday, April 10, 2014
Mike Rounds owes it to South Dakotans to release his travel schedule
Sioux Falls, SD – This week, Rob Skjonsberg, campaign manager for the the Mike Rounds Senatorial campaign, claimed that Rounds had the most grassroots support of any candidate running for Senate in South Dakota. He went on to boast that Mike Rounds has “driven thousands of miles traveling the state every week – talking to South Dakotans.”
South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director Zach Crago, is calling on the Rounds campaign to back up Skjonsberg’s account by releasing Rounds’ travel schedule.
“I have no doubt that Mike Rounds is traveling thousands of miles every week. Dallas, Texas, is quite a flight from South Dakota,” Crago says. “So is New York, Florida, and California. The Rounds campaign already boasted about raising most of their money out of state – which is why I’m struggling to figure out where the campaign fit this supposed travel across South Dakota into his busy out of state fundraising schedule. No one can seem to tell me the last time Mike Rounds held a publicly announced event in South Dakota that didn’t cost a week’s pay for the average South Dakotan to get past the door.”
There’s a pretty simple way for the Rounds campaign to back up this assertion, says Crago. “Mike Rounds owes it to South Dakotans to release his travel schedule.
“If Mike Rounds is in fact traveling thousands of miles every week speaking with South Dakotans, I challenge him to release his travel itinerary,” says Crago.
“This should be a very simple request: where has he been traveling to if he is in fact traveling thousands of miles across South Dakota every week?
“South Dakotans have a right to know where their Senate candidates are spending their time.“Either Rob Skjonsberg is making up facts as he goes along, or Mike Rounds is conducting the greatest stealth campaign in political history. Judging by Rounds’ first stock-photo filled TV ad, I’m betting on the former rather than the latter.
“I say it is time to bring this stealth campaign out of the shadows and let all South Dakotans know Mike Rounds’ travel itinerary,” Crago says.