You Have to Be Kidding
By Joe Lowe
Vice-Chairman, South Dakota Democratic Party
Vice Chair, South Dakota Democratic Party
Every day I am astounded by the decisions and comments this President makes. Let’s face it: Donald Trump is a narcissist and serial liar. He runs this country like he is running a reality TV show. Let’s look at some of the things he has done.
He says it is disrespectful and unpatriotic for NFL Players to kneel during the National Anthem. The President acts like he is the ultimate patriot. Being a patriot means serving your country when you are called upon. He was healthy enough to participate in football when he was in college, yet when the big troop push came in Vietnam he received a deferment for a bone spur in his foot. I lost my father and favorite uncle in acts of war, so I question his patriotism. He refuses to recognize that the player protest is about racial equality. For him this is more theatrics that plays to his base.
October 4th four Army Green Berets were ambushed and killed in Niger. After 12 days he finally comments on their death. He has not even had the decency to call the families of the troops that were lost. Then he changes the subject and says President Obama did not call the families of the fallen. This is totally untrue – President Obama wrote and called the families of those killed in action.
President Trump has been sued in federal court 134 times since inauguration day.
Trump said, “We cannot keep FEMA in Puerto Rico forever.” Yet 80% of the island has no electricity, 40% of these people have no cell service, and 1/3 of these fellow Americans have no water. In Dorado, people have to drink water out of a hazardous waste site. According to the President things are going great. You have to be kidding.
He complains that the former President used too many Executive Orders, yet Trump has used 53 and has no major policy initiatives have been passed.
He pulled us out of the Paris Climate Accord. We lost face as a world leader.
The President decertified the Iranian deal and created a crisis of his own making. In addition, we just lost face with those allies who backed the agreement.
The Trump Campaign is subpoenaed over sexual assault allegations. The President says the allegations against him are fake news. Yet at least 17 women have accused him of assaulting or violating them.
So, you have to be kidding that our federal delegation still supports this deeply flawed President. It is like our Senators and Congresswoman are on the RMS Titanic and are in the Grand Ballroom eating a first-class meal and listing to music and ignoring the fact that they are going to hit an iceberg and sink with Captain Trump on the Bridge.
So, my fellow Democrats, we need to “Take America Back Again” and work hard to elect Tim Bjorkman, our Congressional candidate. If we do not, America will lose its soul. America is worth fighting for.