Immediate Release:Sunday, April 3, 2016
Contact: Michael Ewald, Communications Director, (605) 271-5405,
Democrats Respond to Thune, Noem on Trump
Sioux Falls, SD (April 3, 2016)-
Responding to John Thune and Kristi Noem’s equivocation regarding their support for likely Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump, South Dakota Democratic Party Communications Director Michael Ewald issued the following statement:
“All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent. Despite knowing the vile and hateful campaign Donald Trump has waged, John Thune and Kristi Noem’s assertion the “R” next to Trump’s name qualifies him for the Presidency proves yet again they’re more interested in brand names and partisan politics than doing what’s right for South Dakota.
Earlier this week, Ohio Republican Governor John Kasich said electing Donald Trump literally “endangers civilization as we know it.” He also called on elected officials to denounce Trump immediately explaining, “If I don’t say something about it, then I really feel as though, as a public official, that I’m not doing my job.”
John Thune, Kristi Noem – do your job. Speak up.
Join the South Dakota Democratic Party and other prominent members of your own party such as Kasich and Lindsey Graham and denounce Donald Trump.”
Donald Trump has come under fire for controversial comments about women, immigrants, Muslims, women again, nuclear weapons, women a third time.
Democratic Party U.S. House Candidate Paula Hawks called on Kristi Noem to denounce Donald Trump earlier this week.