Immediate Release:Monday, March 21, 2016
Contact: Michael Ewald, Communications Director, (605) 271-5405,
Democrats Select Presidential Delegates
Sioux Falls, SD (March 21, 2016)-
South Dakota Democrats selected 28 delegates and 4 alternates to represent presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders on the South Dakota Democratic Party’s June 7th primary ballot.
Of those 28 delegates, 14 will be selected via South Dakota’s June 7th binding primary that will determine the proportion of delegates representing each candidate at the Democratic National Convention this summer in Philadelphia.
“It’s one of the largest and most diverse Statewide Caucuses we’ve ever had. We’re really excited about the enthusiasm our delegates have to elect the next Democratic President of the United States,” said South Dakota Democratic Party Chair Ann Tornberg.
Six more delegates will be chosen at the State Convention June 24 & 25 in Sioux Falls, SD, and an additional 5 unpledged delegates make up South Dakota’s total delegation of 25 delegates.
Sanders Delegates
1. Alli Moran
2. Dylan Workman
3. Clara Hart
4. Cully Williams
5. Margaret Potts
6. Miller Cannizzaro
7. Allison Renville
8. Paul Thronson
9. Rachel Caesar
10. Tom Katus
11. Sierra Wolcott
12. Jim Sanden
13. Monica Hale
14. Paul Schipper
Ellee Spawn
John Stielow
Clinton Delegates
1. Scott Parsley
2. Carrie Ackerman Rice
3. Shawn Bordeaux
4. Lee Ann Pierce
5. BJ Motley
6. Cecilia Firethunder
7. Jeff Wilka
8. Carolyn Ly
9. Marc Feinstein
10. Lorraine Walking Eagle
11. Zachary Nistler
12. Paula Blake
13. Spencer O’Hara
14. Heather Halverson
Ryan Solberg
Rachelle Norberg