Immediate Release: Thursday, April 7, 2016
Contact:(605) 271-5405,
Dems: Thune’s Focus On Oversight Should Extend to Good Government
Sioux Falls, SD (April 7, 2016)-
The South Dakota Democratic Party responded to comments made by Senator John Thune regarding TSA vulnerabilities. Speaking about increasing internal control for employees at airports, Thune said, “Anything we can do to tighten the oversight of the insider population, to verify their trusted status is worth doing.”
“We agree with Senator Thune – those with a trusted status should undergo additional scrutiny. We only wonder why the same rules he thinks are necessary for baggage handlers don’t apply to those handling federal grant money,” said Suzanne Jones Pranger, South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director.
Earlier this week, U.S. Senate candidate Jay Williams criticized Thune for lax oversight of federal programs like EB-5 and Gear Up.