GOP State Lawmakers Continue Attacks on Diversity
The South Dakota Democratic Party issued the following statement from SDDP Chair Paula Hawks in response to Republican State Legislators attacking diversity offices on the campuses of South Dakota’s colleges and universities:
“Campus diversity offices play an absolutely essential role in preparing students to interact and work with other cultures – a crucial skill that an increasing number of employers look for when hiring. Attacking these offices shows a profound lack of understanding of what these offices do, and continues a disturbing trend of national and state Republicans in attacking not only people within minority and immigrant communities, but also many of the efforts to welcome, include, understand and work with them to make our state and our country stronger.
“Democrats believe that our diversity is our strength, and we work every day to advance the values of understanding, inclusion, and opportunity for all. These are not just Democratic values, they’re South Dakota’s values and America’s values. Instead of attacking campus diversity offices, Republicans should be working with us to make sure they have the resources and support they need to fulfill their important role in higher education.”