Wow! Just wow!
I’m happy to report that the South Dakota Democrats made it to Charlotte…and boy were we blown away on the first day! Thanks to rousing speeches from First Lady Michelle Obama, Mayor Julian Castro, and Governor Deval Patrick we are fired up and ready to go!
There are 32 delegates and super delegates representing South Dakota at the Democratic National Convention this year. We’ll spend our days in caucus meetings, then each evening we’ll join Democrats from across the nation, to participate in activites on the convention floor.
We delegates and all South Dakota Democrats have our work cut out for us over the next 60 days. We have a great opportunity to make an impact this year from Pierre to Washington D.C. With your financial help, we’ll be able seize that opportunity and celebrate on election night.
Help Us Raise $1000 Before the South Dakota Delegation Returns Home. GIVE JUST $5 TODAY»
If the SDDP receives enough $5 contributions from dedicated Democrats like you, we’ll not only meet our goal and greet our returning delegation with great news, we’ll also be in a better position to send Noem home, elect legislators who share our priorities and values, and send a clear message to Governor Daugaard – that Democrats in Pierre will never back down in a fight for everyday South Dakotans.
Stand with the South Dakota Delegation and support the SDDP! CONTRIBUTE $5 NOW! »
We have an action-packed schedule ahead of us for the next few days, so keep an eye on the SDDP Facebook and Twitter accounts for updates!
Thank you in advance for your $5 financial gift!