Immediate Release: Monday, April 11, 2016
Contact:(605) 271-5405,
Jackley Misses Mark On Transgender Legislation
Sioux Falls, SD (April 11, 2016)-
The South Dakota Democratic Party responded to Attorney General Marty Jackley’s call for anti-transgender legislation.
“Anti-transgender legislation is bad public policy on a number of levels, most simply because of inequality. However, the recent backlash against anti-transgender laws in North Carolina should be a warning call to anyone invested in South Dakota’s business community that extremists are willing to endanger one of South Dakota’s largest industries – tourism, to satisfy an idealogical agenda,” said Suzanne Jones Pranger, Executive Director of the South Dakota Democratic Party.
North Carolina has faced criticism for its anti-transgender legislation, leading to companies like PayPal reversing course on building a $3.6 million business operation in the state. The NCAA has begun to review whether it will continue to host events in the state due to the legislation.
Some Republicans have responded to the backlash by rejecting North Carolina’s law. Republican Presidential candidate and Ohio Governor John Kasich said he would not have signed the North Carolina legislation into law, as has South Carolina Republican Governor Nikki Haley who said the legislation ‘isn’t necessary’.
“It’s important to remember not a single incident which would necessitate this legislation has ever been reported.Jackley’s fears are based on wild speculation and jeopardize economic interests in the state,” Jones Pranger concluded.