SIOUX FALLS – With the release of a new website, the South Dakota Democratic Party is holding No-Show Noem accountable for her record of missing votes, skipping public debates, quitting on ag, and delivering no results.
Over her 8 years in Washington, Noem missed over 200 votes, leaving South Dakota without any voice in the House of Representatives more than 200 times. This attendance rate is nearly twice as bad as the median among sitting representatives.
The Congresswoman has also refused to publicly debate her opponent until the very end of the election, turning down roughly three-quarters of all invitations from civic engagement groups around the state.
Kristi Noem also quit on agriculture, South Dakota’s number one industry, first leaving the ag committee in 2014, and now departing from Washington without a new Farm Bill. As producers suffer from the GOP waged trade-war, they also suffer the uncertainty of an expired Farm Bill with no solutions in sight thanks to Noem’s failed leadership.
Finally, over her long career in Washington, Noem only passed one bill into law. Yet, even without much for results, taxpayers paid her $1.4 million to no-show for the state.
South Dakotans deserve a governor who shows up, and Noem has proven that we cannot trust her to show up for South Dakota. Check out NoShowNoem.com to learn more about Noem’s No-Show No-Results record.