Immediate Release:Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Contact:(605) 271-5405,
Thune May No-Show Republican Convention
Sioux Falls, SD (April 19, 2016)-
South Dakota Democrats criticized John Thune for refusing to reject Donald Trump’s attempt at the GOP Presidential nomination in recent remarks with KELO TV.
“In one sense, Thune acknowledges South Dakota may play a pivotal role in this year’s Republican convention; on the other hand, he totally abdicates his responsibility, refusing to even answer if he will appear at the convention,” said Suzanne Jones Pranger Executive Director of the South Dakota Democratic Party. “Leadership means showing up when you don’t want to, it means making difficult decisions even when you know they won’t be popular with everyone. It’s something Thune has been incapable of doing his entire career.”
Trump’s influence on Congressional Republicans have some in the GOP worried he may drag down the ticket with his racist and sexist comments.
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jay Williams has called on his opponent to reject Trump’s hateful rhetoric.
“Donald Trump’s campaign is a stain on American democracy. His hatred toward women, immigrants and anyone that disagrees with his narrow views should give anyone, Democrat, Republican or Independent serious concern. As a leader of the Republican Party, it’s John Thune’s duty to take a stand against this takeover of his party,” said Williams.