Immediate Release: Monday, May 16, 2016
Contact:(605) 271-5405,
Thune Punches Ticket on the Trump Trainwreck
Sioux Falls, SD (May 16, 2016)-
The South Dakota Democratic Party responded to speculation John Thune will be Donald Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate.
“It seems John Thune’s preoccupation with ‘facebook likes’ has gone to his head. If the Republican Party seeks an empty suit to quietly stand behind Donald Trump as he blurts offensive comments, Thune would be a great choice as his lack of significant policy achievements after nearly 20 years serving in Washington D.C. indicates he’s more than happy to just be along for the ride,” said Suzanne Jones Pranger South Dakota Democratic Party Executive Director.
Trump came under fire over the weekend for referring to U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas”. “Insulting Native Americans isn’t appropriate behavior for a Presidential candidate. The President of the United States should inspire all children to aspire to greatness. What message does this send to South Dakota’s Native American communities?” Jones Pranger asked.
Thune has become the “establishment’s” Vice Presidential option after receiving endorsements from former U.S. Senator Scott Brown and former House leader Newt Gingrich.” The Rapid City Journal reported Brown saying, “[Thune] is that bridge to the establishment… .”
Jones Pranger concluded, “South Dakotans have a clear choice this election cycle. Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jay Williams served our country honorably during the Vietnam war. He is a committed public servant and small business owner. Conversely, Thune is an establishment-backed, do-nothing Senator who has had plenty of chances to decrease prescription drug prices, reduce income inequality and provide quality health care to tribal communities— yet, he hasn’t despite his position in party leadership.”