Sioux Falls, SD (August 29, 2013) – The South Dakota Democratic Party and its partners in the labor community will kick off the petition drive for an initiated measure to raise the minimum wage this Labor Day in Sioux Falls and Rapid City. Both events are open to the public, and all media are welcome to attend.
In Sioux Falls Sioux Falls Trades & Labor Picnic Mon., Sep. 2 12P–2P Elmwood Park
In Rapid City Rapid City Central Labor Council Parade & Picnic Mon., Sep. 2 Parade: 10 AM on Main Street Picnic: 12P at Old Storybook Island Park
Members of the minimum wage campaign will speak at the event and gather signatures for the initiated measure. Members of the public who want to sign the petition or take a petition home for friends and family to sign can pick up a petition packet at the event too.
Petitions are also available to sign or circulate at the South Dakota State Fair in the Democratic Building on the fairgrounds from 9am-8pm daily Friday, August 30, to Monday, September 2nd.
South Dakota Democratic Party interim Executive Director Zach Crago released the following statement leading up to the event:
“On Labor Day, we take a moment to remember that the 40 hour work week, workers compensation, Social Security, and yes, the minimum wage were rights not easily gained. They had to be won by courageous men and women who saw value in hard work.
“This Labor Day, we renew our commitment to the rights so many fought for over so many generations by kicking off our initiated measure to raise the minimum wage.
“Here in South Dakota, we value hard work. We believe honest work should be rewarded with honest wages. Raising the minimum wage will put money in the pockets of hard working people who grow our economy. At a time when our wages aren’t keeping up with the rising cost of living and CEO pay has never been higher, South Dakotans want an economy that works for everyone. That’s why it’s time to raise the minimum wage.
“The South Dakota Democratic Party encourages anyone who wants to learn how to get involved to visit”
The South Dakota Democratic Party and its partners in the labor community are circulating petitions for an initiated measure to raise South Dakota’s minimum wage from $7.25 per hour to $8.50 per hour with annual cost of living increases. They have until Nov. 4, 2013 to file 15,855 signatures from registered voters with the Secretary of State. If approved, South Dakota voters will have an opportunity to decide the outcome of the initiated measure during the 2014 general election.
You can find an official headshot for interim Executive Director Zach Crago here.